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Invitation list in a sentence

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Sentence count:10Posted:2022-04-01Updated:2022-04-01
Similar words: invitationinvitationalinvitation carddistribution listlevitationcavitationimitation leathergravitation
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1) Furious at having been left off of the invitation list again, Eris decided to make trouble.
2) Public hearing participation was clearly limited by the timetable and invitation list adopted by city staff.
3) But the two sides also have traded barbs, over climate talks and even the invitation list at a film festival.
4) If you are a guest, understand that the organizer has been selective with the invitation list.
5) In dancing and singing programs,( list.html) famous pop singer Lee Hom Wang is on the invitation list.
6) My pastor, Rex Horne, suggested that I do it, and put together the invitation list.
7) Obama will spend the afternoon sightseeing and then go to a state dinner, with an invitation list controlled by the Chinese side, according to people familiar with the planning.
8) Interestingly, several independent investment Tencent none of B2C companies in the invitation list.
9) The organizer had put Dr P Baker's name on the list of speakers, but when the invitation list was being done, someone had made a careless mistake and had written 'Dr D Baker' instead.
10) For some reason they saw fit to exclude him from the invitation list.
More similar words: invitationinvitationalinvitation carddistribution listlevitationcavitationimitation leathergravitationgravitational attractiongravitationalrevitalisationgravitationallylaw of gravitationgravitational forcegravitational massgravitational fieldmagnetic levitationgravitational constantdemarcation linenonlinear equationvital statisticsinvigorationinvigilationcommunication linecommunication linknon-linear relationshipvitalizationstatute of limitationcitationstatute of limitations
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